There comes a time in life when you have to sit back and make life changing decisions even though the outcome is very questionable. Today was one of those days for me. It has been 7 weeks since I was laid off from my job. After many interviews and searching, I am still unemployed. The severence pay has ran out and unemployment isn't covering the bills. On that note, we gave our 30 day notice to move out of the house we are in. We have also decided to down size drastically since we don't know where we are going to be living in a months time.
Most houses here in Key West are too expensive with rent starting at $1200 a month for a shoebox. My unemployment and hubby's check won't cover that.
So it is time to start packing and planning for a huge moving sale. When I think about it this is kinda like divorcing yourself and getting rid of the stuff you have collected over the years. Stay tuned for the new adventure "My Life".
This Week on the island 03/24/2024
10 months ago